Bring Christmas Home

CandelsI know that most folks are sending out their Christmas greetings and gifts at this time. What if we brought it home, into our daily lives, as an every moment conversation vs a yearly celebration? It feels to me that the time is NOW to BRING HOME this energy of abundance, appreciation and connection.

I  notice how often I still search for what I don't have vs ALL that I am.
I notice how n I'll view someone critically vs seeing what's TRUE about them.
I see how I shut down when I don't get what I want vs opening up to what is REALLY on offer.

What if we brought home these gifts, to ourselves first and then to our interconnected web of life. It all starts with YOU! You can't give what you aren't and Christmas begins at home, in your own being. Step into it right now.

  1. Position yourself in front of a mirror. Take a deep breath, slowly and rhythmically, synching and linking up with your heart.
  2. On the exhale close your eyes and allow yourself to release all that is no longer YOU in this moment.
  3. See yourself as part of this interconnected web of life, notice your connection to the Heart of Source. Feel your superconnection to all the hearts in all dimensions, places and spaces. Sense the rhythmic pulsing of Life, and feel yourself sourced from this space.
  4. Slowly and gently take in 3 deep breaths allowing this awareness to fully line up in your body.
  5. On the last exhale, slowly open your eyes and acknowledge the magnificent gift that you are to yourself and to ALL right NOW!

Every day is an opportunity to step past the illusion of WHO you appear to be and to step into yourself as a being of light, love and transformation . . . right here, right now.

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