The Difference Between Your Goals and Intentions
If you haven't guessed yet this is no ordinary self care adventure. It's not initially focused upon the external things to bring you more health and happiness, though we will cover those too. That's because the foundation for real change lives within you. It is within that we must first explore.
During our time together I will invite you – over and over – to deliberate and discover what it is that you truly long for. This deeper understanding of what moves you into being is essential for self care. You won't find it in a book or even a teacher. It is something that comes to you as you reach into your inner recesses and directly experience your deeper nature. This is done through self exploration and self reflection, two things you will get plenty of practice in during our time together.
What's the Difference Between Goals and Intentions
So what's the deal with goals and intentions? It's easy to get all tangled up between these two. This is not an either/or situation, both are essential in creating the shifts in your world that you desire. Here's the difference between goals and intentions, from my perspective:
Goals focus on a specific outcome in the future, whereas intentions focus on the present moment and provide guidance in aligning your actions with your inner purpose and values.
Goals are the masculine principle (yang) of creating change. Goals are the actions that you take on the adventure. They are a powerful skill set and can fill you with confidence, as long as you are moving along to completion. Goals are fixed in time. Goals are doing.
Intentions are the feminine principle (yin) of creating change. It is the inner guiding force that aligns with your values and vision, and propels you into action. It is the inner fuel for your adventure. Intentions are of the timeless. Intentions are being.
Set Your Goals and Intentions
At the beginning of any adventure it's essential to map out where you're going. Otherwise, you might wind up in the wrong place. Let's map out your Self Care Mastery adventure:
- Complete the Self Care Mastery Jumpstart Checklist: Before you dive into this exercise complete this checklist. It was included in the guide when you first registered, but you can download the separate PDF here. This checklist should give you a pretty good picture of your starting point. This exercise should give you a pretty good idea of what you would like to focus on for the next 30 days.
- Set Your Intention. Take a moment to set your intention for our time together. It's important that you set your intention first, as that helps to shape your goals. Remember that this is the ‘to be' energy. Decide how you'll engage the adventure. Make sure to do this exercise in your sacred space and invoke the cosmic forces to come and play with you. You can do a simple exercise to connect to your inner wisdom here. Jot down in your journal the intentions that arise. (Example: be compassionate with myself, be willing to experience change with ease and grace, etc. Don't focus on what you don't want, focus on what you do want.)
- Set Your Goals. Take a moment to set your goals for our time together. Make them specific and actionable. Don't set goals like lose 20 lbs, etc. Set goals that are based on the actions that will take you to your goal, not the end goal of weight loss. (Example: read the daily messages, attend the live calls, listen to the replays, take one daily action, etc.)
- Share Your Goals and Intentions. When you share with others magic happens. You are claiming these dreams and visions and inviting them into your life. Your sharing proclaims your intention to step into the new. You can share the results of this exercise as a comment below or you can post to our Evolutionary Adventurers Facebook Group. It's a closed group so your comments are private.
Goals are powerful signposts for the journey. As you accomplish them you feel the movement towards your destination. Living your intentions allows you to focus on how you want to be in the moment, independent of whether you are ‘getting there or not.' As your intentions guide your moment to moment experience, you'll find that you focus on what matters most.
Remember that when you set a goal, or an intention, you are embarking on the pathway of change. Fear, doubt and uncertainty are sure to come along for the ride. Don't sit on the sidelines, just prepare for it.
No matter how much you plan remember that Life will send surprises your way. The adventure is a mystery that unfolds everyday. Unexpected things can, and will, occur. However, you always have control over your actions and intentions. And that's a good thing!
Tally Ho!
PS Ready to right your world and master your self care?
Get Your Self Care Mastery
Jumpstart Guide
Image: One day I'll fly away, Yuliya Libkina
Love that the goals are process oriented. Great distinction between intentions and goals, Adela. One of my intentions is to enjoy and find the pleasure in what calls my interest
Glad you enjoyed the distinction, Gina-Dianne. Love your intention, pleasure is a powerful activator. Yes!