
There’s No Place Like Home

I've been homeless – living with family at the moment – since the split with my husband 8 months ago. There are several reasons why this was the ‘right' choice, though not the most comfortable and cushy choice for me. I had the means to live elsewhere, but I was in what I call ‘the ‘tweens,' that in-between state between your old self and your new self. It has been an extraordinary adventure.

For one thing I got over this idea of home as a ‘place' where I live. For as long as I can remember I have longed for HOME. My family life was pretty dysfunctional growing up. It has evolved, but back then it was pretty crazy. I dreamed  of a place where love reigned and peace infused every space.  I got married young, had children when I was a know-it-all twenty-one, got divorced, became a single parent, got married again and still ‘home' eluded me.

How ironic to have found home when I was feeling home-less. Materially, I was blessed to have family to come home to. My mother always welcomes me with open arms, no matter my tattered state. But this ‘home' did not have a physical location. It resided somewhere between my belly and my heart. It was an orientation that shifted as my world crumbled around me.

The gift of my homelesseness has been that I have found home where it has always been . . . inside me. In the deep recesses of my boundless being, the infinite grace of life nourishes me and the soul-quenching rivers of possibility beckon me.

I've done more in the last 8 months to bring my vision of conscious community and conscious business into being than I ever could have imagined. And . . . I've had my most financially successful months too, in a tiny room squeezed between a twin bed and a dresser. Who would have thought that being homeless would bring me home.

Where is home calling YOUR name?

  • Kathleen Kunze says:

    Hello all,

    This mornings post was so heartfelt… finding home. A phrase flashed through my mind of “trying to fit in.” And I realized we’re already “in.” What does that phrase mean? Usually to try and be, act or say something we’re not to be accepted, and of course we never feel authentic when we do that, so trying to fit in is like a self fulfilling prophecy. As long we try, we never will. The only way to ‘fit in’ is to dare and be our unique beautiful selves. And there’s no one to look around to for a comparison. We’re it! I’m marvelling at how incredible that is, that there’s no one like us, and yet we have spent so much time trying to be like someone else or trying to fit in. Imagine what the world be like if everyone let their unique brilliance shine? Beautiful….amazing….dazzling… I’m looking forward to stepping into that now.

  • Hello Adela,
    I am new to your community here, so this is the first post I’ve read…Your tremendous warm heart radiates out in this writing – Thank You. Where there is Heart, there is Home… The physical place you’ve been At Home in these past 8 months seems like a warm, deep energetically cocooning/supporting space in which to develop and expand into your next You! (from the photo it seems elementally to be the energy of yang Earth and yin Wood = sustaining inner growth) How PERFECT!
    Thank you for your eloquence. Your words “… the infinite grace of life and the soul-quenching rivers of possibility” ~ So(ul) Nourishing!

  • Rose Diamond says:

    Hello Everyone
    Thanks Adela for sharing about your home in your heart. I can so relate to much of what you’re saying. I am a great home lover, I love to have my own cosy space, yet for the last 5 years I have had no permanent home but have become a spiritual gypsy. Born in England, I lived in Scotland for many years, then 12 years in NZ, then to Virginia 3 years ago for relationship with Woods. NZ is so beautiful and it was easy to find spiritual community there but I became almost addicted to the beauty and I remember once walking with a friend during a community event and saying real freedom would be being able to take that sense of beauty and spiritual connection anywhere in the world and not be dependent on it coming from the outside. Last year I was six months in England, four of those months taking care of my 88 year old Dad. Funnily enough that was the only time in my whole experience I felt homeless. There were times when I felt my soul was being torn apart because I was so missing my spiritual community. So I came back to Virginia to restore my soul and soon found this wonderful community of sensitive souls who have always felt like outsiders and have now created this very heart centred beautiful gathering of edge dwellers who are transforming the world from the inside out. Yeahhhh!!!!!
    It’s funny, the last couple of times I have flown between countries they ask you where you live and I scratch my head and think, well I live here and now. But I dont think the passport control has quite got the idea of global citizenship yet!
    Love to you all. I am in Texas this week visiting my dear friend Siena and will be joning you on the call from here.

  • Raora Hartman says:

    Ahhh…the terrible “tweens.” You put into words, Adela, exactly where that space is, pointing it out on the map of life, and I am so grateful. I read that and said, “Yes, I am there.” Unlike some others, I have a home of my own. But stepping forward within this community has brought me back to my spiritual home. Thanks for leading the way and offering the invitation. You are loved and appreciated beyond measure.

  • Lois says:

    Hello All,

    Thank you so for your beautiful reflections that find their home is each of us! I’ve been on just a handful of calls but am very touched by the tribe and the liveliness of what unfolds. It seems in these moments we each reconnect to our true and beautiful essence which is LOVE!

    Blessings of joy, peace, grace, and love to all!

    Lois from the Nebraska plains

    • nancy Be says:

      Welcome Lois , our hands, our hearts are already open and clapping. We are singing a song of Joyous Celebration that you have chosen to join us openly… HOORAY! we look forward to getting to know you and sharing in the wonderous energy that is YOU!

      nancy Be

  • Alisha you are part of our tribe now……you do belong.Love love love.

  • Alisha says:

    Hi all my tribal sisters and brothers, Gosh I’ve been running and moving for so long to find a place where I felt like I belonged. I could echo the dysfunctional stories of so many of you. But as our dear Adela reminds us- don’t feed the story just shift. Here’s to easing on into the shift of expansion. Thank you all for holding the beacon out for me to come home to you all. LoveLoveLove

    • Renee Barnow says:

      Shift. Yes. Powerful. Peaceful.
      Yesterday finished reading My Stroke of Insight (Jill Bolte Taylor) and offered is the “instruction” when hearing and sensing what we don’t like that is occurring in left hemisphere to tell yourself, “shift to right hemisphere.”

      Related is from the work of Cortical Field Reeducation (a magical physical hands on/off healing modality) that after doing work on one side of the body/brain we are told, “Now shift.” Voila. Magic.

      For more at least 15 years I have wanted and declared that I am moving to San Diego. Have spent times w/ realtors there and so much more. Then a shift began w/ no clear sense of when that I live in DC where my house is a warm, friendly home that people feel great energy being in and made a choice to stay home as it were.

      This choice has been a blessing especially as my Mom’s cognitive abilities have diminished. I manage her care from a 6-hr drive away. I want to be able to drive there on a moment’s notice. In July she broke her help and off I drove to be with her.

      Shift. Choice. Home.

  • Patty says:

    Very moving Adela and all! Thank you for sharing your heart with us Adela and creating this amazing community. I resonate with your journey, as it is the journey for all of us. To truly find home and be at home in the Divine, is the only true home there is.

    Welcome Home each and every one of us!

  • Susan says:

    Somewhere…over the rainbow, bluebirds fly…

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Way up high,
    There’s a land that I heard of
    Once in a lullaby.

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Skies are blue,
    And the dreams that you dare to dream
    Really do come true.

    Someday I’ll wish upon a star
    And wake up where the clouds are far
    Behind me.
    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Away above the chimney tops
    That’s where you’ll find me.

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly.
    Birds fly over the rainbow.
    Why then, oh why can’t I?

    If happy little bluebirds fly
    Beyond the rainbow
    Why, oh why can’t I?

    ‘somwhere’ is here. The bluebird is here.

    Let’s fly goddesses and gods,
    Dorothy, er Susan from Kansas

    • Joanne Stein Letlow says:

      Adeala dear — thank you for being soo real, soo “naked” with us, inviting us into your home — your physical home and ESPECIALLY the home within you. Your “welcoming us home” on the call yesterday touched me deeply, opened up more space for me to be at peace at home within me. And again today, reading your post, I expanded yet again. Thank you for the gift that you are, Adela, the gift of your BEINGNESS!

      I feel so blessed to be part of this tribe, this world, this life. I’m delighting in the journey with all of you, precious ones!!
      Much love to all….hear you at 9 am!


    • Dearest Susan…my very favourite song! Yes the words are wonderful. My littel bird is singing with all of us and Tonya’s rainbow is overflowing……………Much Love Rosemary

  • nancy Be says:

    “some believed in her,
    others did not.

    “She joined the circle
    of believers
    and rejoiced
    with them.”

    terri st.cloud,

    Thank You Adela, as always ,for another wonderful essay that will fill my day with in-sight-full conversation with myself and I. Thank You Rosemary for naming one of the many reasons that we are magnetized to this energy tribe that I call YES!-ville. It truly is a place of love, joy, excitement, life, support and safety.

    I will post more on the blog at EnergyCafeLive.ning.com
    Please meander on over to this site and join the party.
    nancy Be

  • Britt Nielsen says:

    Bienvenida a Casa, Welcome Home, Adela!
    Thank you for recognizing your tween state and sharing it with us. Amazing how it seems that the earth has to slip out from under our feet for us to find our feet, our true grounding and home within ourselves. I envision a welcome home party (retreat) within our tribe to celebrate your home coming, many of our individual homecomings and our collective homecoming.

  • Dearest Adela, I love your home.It makes me feel at home! I empathise with you SO much! Your courage is amazing. I too have always wanted to feel at home and being with my conscious energy family is home for me and a blessed place to be. I too came from a disfunctional family, never was allowed a voice, married young to escape and had a family at the age of 21, stuck with it as mother to all three for years and then got divorced. My parents were never supportive, I had no relationship with my father. I re married and it has been a rocky ride. My core is soft and gentle but on some levels I have had to appear both tough and strong. I do not know how I would be existing without this glorious work which supports and helps me tremendously and through the current challenging stories of my life, at now aged sixty six..yes I am a very young oldy! Still trying to really feel home, use my creativity and be avoice in the world.. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of your wonderful work and my gratitude is enormous my dearest Adlea. This is a true place for truth and deep honesty. I know that everyone of the wonderful souls in our tribe shares my sentiments.

    • Britt Nielsen says:

      Right on, Rosemary! I love that you are part of my new family:-)

    • nancy Be says:

      Rosemary and others: BOO to the word “old”
      NO ONE in this tribe is “old”.

      physical age is that number that shows up as the result of subtracting your physical birth year from the current year number. I believe that your real age is more about how young ( or old) you “FEEL” that you are on the inside and that is a conscious CHOICE. I know folks in their 20’s who are OLD and stuck in their bodies , in their thinking, in their spirit. I am honored to know folks in their 90’s who are still active, alert, and celebrating all that is good in their lives. My Auntie Margaret at age 94 is “having a procedure” today, will be home tomorrow and probably have lunch with the girls on Sat. weather permitting. What a hoot she is! I , personally do not plan to even consider that I am even physically old until I am at least 80.. I am having way too much FUN to allow a label to get in my way. I am learning the DANCE that is my life and it is such a CELEBRATION !
      nancy Be

      • Hi Nancy I love it.Yes I am 21 really! I still feel it and my Mumis 93 and still up for it…yes smokes and drinks but loves a laugha nd has a truly young creative heart! Age is just anumber.Anyway my new mooto is 66 and UP TO TRICKS..HEEEE! I am young for the young and I love children and the mother in me is here for them..the lovelies. We have anew bay in our family from 24hours ago! these New Kids just recognise love SO completely and they need our support.bless them.they are part of my tribe too along with all of you wonderful people.

    • Adela Rubio says:

      Clearly we have been companions for some time, Rosemary, and our ‘stories’ sing in resonance, with perhaps some discordant harmonies arising here and there. And yet, the stillness speaks strikingly of what is true. Here’s to being what’s true, dear friend. Much love, Rosie!

  • Deborah says:

    Kudos to you Adela. You have created a home for this amazing community in the spaciousness of your heart. Boundless space,
    no physicality. All in love. May you be blessed. I am by you.

    • Adela Rubio says:

      Thank you, Deborah. Coming from you that speaks volumes. I know that you can deeply relate this boundlessness beyond flotsam and jetsam. Namaste, my friend. I am blessed by you.

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